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Couch to 5K

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Week 9 posts

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I did it! I actually graduated!

Hi runners! This morning I graduated. I can't quite believe it! If you are readi...
AllSewnUp profile image

Week 9 run 1 and my first 5k

It's taken me a little longer than 9 weeks, but I'm absolutely chuffed as fudge!...

Week 9 run 3 completed .

So chuffed to have finished week 9 run 3, taken me a little bit longer than 9 we...
Abby187 profile image
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Graduation! - Achievement unlocked!

Well 7 years after starting C25K I've finally graduated! (I know they say take i...
scubasmiff profile image

Almost there!

Sorry for all the posts after each run, but it's my way of holding myself to acc...
scubasmiff profile image

And scubasmiff passes Yee to take the gold!!

Well,not quite an Olympic gold in the triathlon, but a personal gold in C25K. Ye...
scubasmiff profile image

Completed (again!)

Hi all, I've come back to Couch to 5K a few times, starting from scratch each ti...
Orangey1 profile image

Almost there run 2 of week 9 complete

Nearly there, completed the 2nd run of week 9 today, I'm really glad I started t...
Mmcv96 profile image

I’ve only gone & done it 🥳

8/2/23 to Graduation today 7/5/23 I did weeks 1-8 continuously then on 20/4 ha...
VS1975 profile image

Such a relief to have managed 30 mins!

W9 R1 completed - yay me! Set myself a snail’s pace after the ‘mare that was ru...
Horribella profile image

Doing ok

Hello everyone, I’ve been reading this forum a lot over the last couple of month...
Chickenears profile image

Pretty chuffed

After a few trips around the behaviour change cycle I ran 5K last night and grad...

“I am super woman, I am strong, I know I got this coz I had it all along!” Week 3 run 3… victory run

Somebody hand me my badge, and crown, and get the red carpet out… don’t forget t...
Rainbow2019 profile image

I have done it!

Delighted to announce I have just finished Week 9 Run 3 and graduated, yay I am ...
TinyRunningBear profile image

I have done it!

It has been a really busy day but I didn't want it to end before I managed to po...
brimbledaisy profile image


Finally done it, what a feeling.
Marton19 profile image

C25k Completed! 😂😂

It is with slight disbelief that I can report successful completion of C25K, thi...
LanciaA profile image


Lovely evening with longer day light. What a nice way to end W9R3. The app and s...
roadstroller profile image

Week 9 complete! So happy to graduate

Wow! Week 9 run 3 complete and can't believe what I have achieved in 9 weeks to ...
PiemanSkills profile image

W9, R3 - Graduation !!!

I've finally done it, albeit a wet and windy one !!! I started in Feb last year ...
TallnBald profile image

Week 9: The Grand Finale

Hey everyone - I did it! I actually completed the course. Can I get a high five...
DC25K profile image

Graduation week...not yet!

Completed my R3 W8 on Sunday and was looking forward to graduation week when...S...
Bill_Carson profile image

Finished my Week 9 Run 3. Thank you C25k, community and NHS.

Recovering from toe (and hairline on foot) fracture (in the end of May) to fini...
rforram profile image

Dodgy knees advice required

I have completed the 5K run on three different times by completing the whole cou...
Odibrack profile image

W9R1 Done son!!

That was lovely and relaxing.
Teejay113 profile image

I danced the cooldown!

Done. W9R3 completed and I am elated. Was told by the physio that I'd never run...
Aerialgazelle profile image


I cannot believe that I've achieved this. It started off as a bit of a secret w...
Benben21 profile image

W9R3 The Second Time

It went well as I strove to complete the C25K programme a second time. There wer...
BigLebowski profile image

W9R2 Trudge

Meh! Very slow & it was a slog. 10 Min in I decided to tackle a small hill up wh...
BigLebowski profile image

Week 9 run 1: 5k done!

At the end of week 8, 5k was near, but I was expecting it to be in over 30 minut...
ViWe profile image
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